
  • Welcome to Engage!

    Welcome to the Women In Trucking's new member-only online community platform, Engage! This site encourages mentoring, community and education by allowing members to virtually connect and collaborate.

    As a WIT member, you can leverage Engage to:
    • Share ideas and experiences
    • Provide mentorship and gain advice
    • Discuss challenges and best practices
    • Post questions and access thought leaders
    • Build stronger peer relationships
    • Upload informational documents and resources
    • Message individual members
    • Keep up with WIT happenings  
    • And much more!

    Please refrain from sharing commercial posts like the products or services your company provides. If you have found a product or service helpful, please share your experience with the group in a respectful way. 

    To get things started, go ahead and update your profile and join in a conversation or start a new one!

    You can also find a PDF version of our User Guide with step-by-step instructions in the Engage Open Forum library. 

    Please reach out with any questions or issues you may encounter at

    Get ready to Engage!